Shopping Cart
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Spectrum Members System Bidding pages use a shopping Cart design.  This means you make Bids in the Bidding Page and the Bids are stored on your PC in a Shopping Cart.  Once you are finished looking & Bidding you go to your Shopping Cart and send your BIDS to Spectrum.


·     Click on the Shopping Cart Menu


·     Bikes in the Shopping cart are Color coded.

Dark Gray Background - This means Bidding for this unit is finished.  You can send your BID to Spectrum but the BID will not be accepted.  Spectrum WILL advise you of the result.

Pink Background - Bidding for this unit is Late.    The BID will be classed as NO CHECK NO CLAIM. This means you cannot claim on this unit once Spectrum buys the unit.  The BID will be accepted BUT staff will not check this unit for you.  If you have previously made a Normal BID for this unit Spectrum Staff will check the Bike for you.

Normal Background - Bidding is on Time - Spectrum Staff will pre-check this unit for you.

Red Price Lettering - Another Bidder has a Higher Bid than you.

NOTE ;  The Status of your Bids can Change while waiting in the Shopping Cart.

·     You can adjust your BID buy clicking on the unit Auction Number in the shopping Cart.
·     You can print a list of your Bids from the Shopping cart by Clicking the Printer Format Button
·     You can delete Bikes from your Shopping cart by Clicking the checkbox next to the unit and clicking on the Delete Checked row from Cart Button.
·     You can confirm and Send ALL BIDS in the Shopping cart by clicking "Bid all Bikes on this cart" button.


·     Clicking the "Bid all Bikes on this cart" sends all the BIDS in the Shopping cart to Spectrum Staff in Japan.
·     IF you LOG out of the Spectrum Stonehenge Auction System you will Lose any Shopping cart you have made.  The same will happen if your computer for any reason is rebooted, or for some reason you lose your internet connection.