Bike Data
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Spectrum Bike Data holds 6 weeks worth of Raw Auction Data from one of the Largest Bike Auctions in the World.  This Data is for your use and available to Spectrum Members ONLY.  Please note this Data is


·     From the Main Members menu click on the Bike Data Menu item.


·     The Filter above allows you to select bikes you want.  
·     You can search by entering your query in ANY of the fields above.
·     All Information entered is searched.  This means the more information you enter the more precise information will be returned.
·     Once you have entered your requirements click Search by Query Button, and the results of your search will be shown.
·     If you are not sure about the correctness of the information you want to enter as a search then enter a small part of it - eg you want a Harley with the Frame number BMY in it but you dont know the rest of the frame number - enter just BMY and you will get ANY frame number with BMY in it.


·     The List above shows the last 6 weeks of units with the Frame number 4GY.
·     Prices are AUCTION Board Prices NOT FOB Prices.